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Raising Funds and Increasing Awareness

Throughout the year, the Riverside Foundation Women’s Board conducts a variety of fundraising activities to benefit the Riverside Foundation and increase public awareness of their cause. Among their events are a yearly golf outing, held at the Royal Melbourne Country Club in Long Grove, Illinois, which serves as a significant fundraiser for the organization. In addition, every December, the Women’s Board hosts the highly anticipated Holiday House Walk & Boutique, which draws individuals from the surrounding areas to view elaborately decorated homes and local ven- dors showcasing their unique creations. The Women’s Board also holds several smaller fundraisers and social events throughout the year.

The Women’s Board dedicates themselves to spreading joy throughout the year by organizing an array of engaging activities for our residents. These events not only bring our residents happiness, but also help to assimilate them into the community.

The assortment of events include a 4th of July parade and picnic, pumpkin decorating during the fall, invigorating exercise classes, enjoyable lunch dates with residents at local restaurants, personalized birthday gifts for each res- ident, a delightful ice cream social, supportive chaperoning for various resident outings, a periodic newsletter, and more.

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